Patricia L. Schilardi
INIFTA, Diag 113 esq 64 (1900) La Plata, Argentina
Dirección postal
INIFTA – CC 16, Suc 4 (1900) La Plata, Argentina
Dra. en Química (1997)
Lic. en Química (Fisicoquímica) (1992)
Técnico Químico (1984)
Posición actual
Profesor Adjunto, Facultad de Ciencias Exactas (Universidad Nacional de La Plata) – website.
Investigador Independiente, Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas (CONICET).
Líneas de Investigación
Funcionalización de superficies (química, topografía) para aplicaciones en nanotecnología y biomedicina.
Desarrollo de nuevas rutas de nano/microfabricación.
Publicaciones seleccionadas
Photodynamic Inactivation induced by carboxypterin: a novel non-toxic bacteriacidal strategy against Staphylococcus aureus planktonic cells and biofilms.
A. Miñán, C. Lorente, A. Ipiña, A. Thomas, M. Fernández Lorenzo de Mele and P.L. Schilardi
Biofouling, 2015, 31(5), 459-468. DOI:10.1080/08927014.2015.1055731
–Citrate-Capped Silver Nanoparticles Show Good Bactericidal Effect Against Both Planktonic And Sessile Bacteria and a Low Cytotoxicity to Osteoblastic Cells.
Flores, Constanza; Miñán, Alejandro; Grillo, Claudia; Salvarezza, Roberto; Vericat, Carolina; Schilardi, Patricia
ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces , 2013, 2013, 5 (8), pp 3149–3159
-Decrease of cytotoxicity of copper-based intrauterine devices (IUD) pretreated with 6-Mercaptopurine and Pterin as biocompatible corrosion inhibitors
Alvarez, F.; Grillo, C.; Schilardi, P. L.; Rubert, A.; Benitez, G.; Lorente, C.; Fernández Lorenzo de Mele, M.
ACS Applied Materials and Interfaces, 2013, 5 (2), pp 249–255
-Synergistic antimicrobial effect against early biofilm formation: micropatterned surface plus antibiotic treatment
C. Diaz, A. Miñán, P.L. Schilardi, M.Fernández Lorenzo de Mele
International Journal of Antimicrobial Agents, 2012, 40, (3) 221-226
Electronic and magnetic properties of C60 thin films under ambient conditions: A multitechnique study.
O. Amelines-Sarria, P.C. dos Santos Claro, P.L. Schilardi, B. Blum, A. Rubert, G. Benitez, V. A. Basiuk, A. González Orive, A. Hernández Creus, C. Díaz, R.C. Salvarezza
Organic Electronics, 2011, 12 (9), 1483-1492.
Comment on ‘‘The interaction of cells and bacteria with surfaces structured at the nanometre scale’’.
C. Díaz, M. Fernández Lorenzo de Mele, P. L. Schilardi.
Acta Biomaterialia, 2011, 7,1934-1935
– Have flagella a preferred orientation during early stages of biofilm formation?: AFM study using patterned substrates..
C. Díaz, P. L. Schilardi, R. C. Salvarezza, M. Fernández Lorenzo de Mele.
Colloids and Surfaces B: Biointerfaces, 2011, 82, 536-542
– Organization of Pseudomonas fluorescens on chemically different nano/microstructured surfaces.
C. Díaz, R. C. Salvarezza, M. Fernández Lorenzo de Mele, P. L. Schilardi.
ACS Applied Materials and Interfaces, 2010, 2 (9), pp 2530–2539
– Spontaneous adsorption of silver nanoparticles on Ti/TiO2 surfaces. Antibacterial effect on Pseudomonas aeruginosa.
Flores CY, Diaz C, Rubert A, Benítez GA, Moreno MS, Fernández Lorenzo de Mele MA, Salvarezza RC, Schilardi PL, Vericat C.
Journal of Colloid and Interface Science, 350, 402–408 (2010)